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Configuration File

Railpack will look for a railpack.json file in the root of the directory being built. You can override this by setting the RAILPACK_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to a path relative to the directory being built.

If found, that configuration will be used to change how the plan is built.

A config file looks something like this:

"$schema": "",
"steps": [
"name": "install",
"commands": ["npm install"]
"name": "build",
"inputs": [{ "step": "install" }],
"commands": ["...", "./"]
"deploy": {
"startCommand": "node dist/index.js"


Inputs define where a step gets its filesystem from. They can be:

  • Another step’s output
  • A Docker image
  • Local files

The first input must not have any include or exclude options as it is the base filesystem.

Inputs are used both for steps and for the deploy section. For example, the inputs of a Node build might looks like this:

"deploy": {
"inputs": [
"image": ""
"step": "packages:mise",
"include": [
// ...
"step": "build",
"include": ["."]
"local": true,
"include": ["."]

Step Input

Use another step’s output as input:

"step": "install",
"include": ["."], // "." represents the working directory (/app)
"exclude": ["node_modules"]

Image Input

Use a Docker image as input:

"image": "macabees/neofetch",
"include": ["/usr/bin/neofetch"]

Local Input

Use local files as input:

"local": true,
"include": ["."]

Input Options

All input types support these options:

includeFiles or directories to include
excludeFiles or directories to exclude
spreadWhether to spread the input into the current filesystem

Array Extending

You can use the ... special syntax to extend arrays in the configuration. This is useful when you want to add items to an existing array rather than override it completely.

For example:

"steps": {
"build": {
// Runs ./ after the auto-generated build commands
"commands": ["...", "./"]
"deploy": {
"inputs": [
// Copies the neofetch binary into the final image on top of the auto-generated image
{ "image": "macabees/neofetch", "include": ["/usr/bin/neofetch"] }

Root Configuration

The root configuration can have these fields:

providerThe provider to use for deployment (optional, autodetected by default)
buildAptPackagesList of apt packages to install during the build step
packagesMap of package name to package version
cachesMap of cache name to cache definitions. The cache names are referenced in steps
secretsList of secrets that should be made available to commands
stepsMap of step names to step definitions

For example:

"provider": "node",
"buildAptPackages": ["git", "curl"],
"packages": {
"node": "22",
"python": "3.13"


Caches are used to speed up builds by storing and reusing files between builds. Each cache has a type and a directory. Caches are not persisted in the final image.

The cache name is referenced in the caches field of a step. A cache has the following properties:

directoryThe directory to cache
typeThe type of cache (either “shared” or “locked”, defaults to “shared”)

For example:

"caches": {
"npm-install": {
"directory": "/root/.npm",
"type": "shared"
"apt": {
"directory": "/var/cache/apt",
"type": "locked"

Cache Types

  • shared: Multiple builds can use this cache simultaneously (used for package manager caches)
  • locked: Only one build can use this cache at a time (used for apt caches to prevent concurrent package installations)


Each step in the build process can have:

inputsList of inputs for this step (from other steps, images, or local files)
commandsList of commands to run in this step
secretsList of secrets that this step uses
assetsMapping of name to file contents referenced in file commands
variablesMapping of name to variable values referenced in variable commands
cachesList of cache IDs available to all commands in this step


A list of commands to run in a step. For example:

"commands": [
// Copy the package.json file from the local context into the build
{ "src": "package.json", "dest": "package.json" },
// Install dependencies
"cmd": "npm install",
"customName": "Install dependencies"
// Make the node_modules/.bin directory available in the PATH
{ "path": "node_modules/.bin" }

Exec command

Executes a shell command during the build (e.g. ‘go build’ or ‘npm install’).

cmdThe shell command to execute
customNameOptional custom name to display for this command

If the command is a string, it is assumed to be an exec command in the format sh -c '<cmd>'.

Path command

Adds a directory to the global PATH environment variable. This path will be available to all subsequent commands in the build.

pathDirectory path to add to the global PATH environment variable

Copy command

Copies files or directories during the build. Can copy from a source image or local context.

imageOptional source image to copy from (e.g. ‘node:18’)
srcSource path to copy from (file or directory)
destDestination path to copy to (will be created if needed)

File command

Creates or modifies a file during the build with optional Unix file permissions.

pathDirectory path where the file should be created
nameName of the file to create
modeOptional Unix file permissions mode (e.g. 0644)
customNameOptional custom name to display for this file operation

String format

Commands can also be specified using a string format:

  • npm install - Executes the command
  • PATH:/usr/local/bin - Adds to PATH
  • COPY:src dest - Copies files


The deploy section configures how the container runs:

startCommandThe command to run when the container starts
variablesEnvironment variables available to the start command
pathsPaths to prepend to the $PATH environment variable
inputsList of inputs for the deploy step (from steps, images, or local files)
aptPackagesList of Apt packages to install in the final image


The schema for the config file is available at Add it to your railpack.json to get autocomplete and validation in your editor.

"$schema": ""