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Railpack builds and deploys Node.js applications with support for various package managers and frameworks.


Your project will be detected as a Node.js application if a package.json file exists in the root directory.


The Node.js version is determined in the following order:

  • Set via the RAILPACK_NODE_VERSION environment variable
  • Read from the engines field in package.json
  • Read from the .nvmrc file
  • Defaults to 22


The Bun version is determined in the following order:

  • Set via the RAILPACK_BUN_VERSION environment variable
  • Defaults to latest

If Bun is used, Node will not be installed.

Runtime Variables

These variables are available at runtime:

Terminal window


Railpack builds your Node.js application based on your project structure. The build process:

  • Installs dependencies using your preferred package manager (npm, yarn, pnpm, or bun)
  • Executes the build script if defined in package.json
  • Sets up the start command based on your project configuration

Railpack determines the start command in the following order:

  1. The start script in package.json
  2. The main field in package.json
  3. An index.js or index.ts file in the root directory

Package Managers

Railpack detects your package manager based on lock files:

  • pnpm-lock.yaml for pnpm
  • bun.lockb or bun.lock for Bun
  • .yarnrc.yml or .yarnrc.yaml for Yarn 2
  • yarn.lock for Yarn 1
  • Defaults to npm if no lock file is found

Config Variables

RAILPACK_NODE_VERSIONOverride the Node.js version22
RAILPACK_BUN_VERSIONOverride the Bun version1.2
RAILPACK_NO_SPADisable SPA modetrue
RAILPACK_SPA_OUTPUT_DIRDirectory containing built static filesdist
RAILPACK_PRUNE_DEPSRemove development dependenciestrue
RAILPACK_ANGULAR_PROJECTName of the Angular project to buildmy-app

Static Sites

Railpack can serve a statically built Node project with zero config. You can disable this behaviour by either:

  • Setting the RAILPACK_NO_SPA=1 environment variable
  • Setting a custom start command

These frameworks are supported:

  • Vite: Detected if vite.config.js or vite.config.ts exists, or if the build script contains vite build
  • Astro: Detected if astro.config.js exists and the output is not type "server"
  • CRA: Detected if react-scripts is in dependencies and build script contains react-scripts build
  • Angular: Detected if angular.json exists

For both frameworks, Railpack will try to detect the output directory and will default to dist. Set the RAILPACK_SPA_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable to specify a custom output directory.

Static sites are served using the Caddy web server and a default Caddyfile. You can overwrite this file with your own Caddyfile at the root of your project.

Framework Support

Railpack detects and configures caches and commands for popular frameworks. Including:

  • Next.js: Caches .next/cache for each Next.js app in the workspace
  • Remix: Caches .cache
  • Vite: Caches .vite/cache
  • Astro: Caches .astro/cache

As well as a default cache for node modules:

  • Node modules: Caches node_modules/.cache