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Developing Locally

Once you’ve checked out the repo, you can follow this to start developing locally.

Getting Setup

We use Mise for managing language dependencies and tasks for building and testing Railpack. You don’t have to use Mise, but it’s recommended.

Install and use all versions of tools needed for Railpack

Terminal window
# Assuming you are cd'd into the repo root
mise install

Install all the Go dependencies

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go mod tidy

List all the commands available

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go run cmd/cli/main.go --help

Building directly with Buildkit

👋 Requirement: an instance of Buildkit must be running locally. Instructions in “Run BuildKit Locally” at the bottom of the readme.

Railpack will instantiate a BuildKit client and communicate to over GRPC in order to build the generated LLB.

Terminal window
go run cmd/cli/main.go --verbose build examples/node-bun

You need to have a BuildKit instance running (see below).

Custom frontend

You can build with a custom BuildKit frontend, but this is a bit tedious for local iteration.

The frontend needs to be built into an image and accessible to the BuildKit instance. To see how you can build and push an image, see the build-and-push-frontend mise task in mise.toml.

Once you have an image, you can do:

Generate a build plan for an app:

Terminal window
go run cmd/cli/main.go plan examples/node-bun --out test/railpack-plan.json

Build the app with Docker:

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docker buildx \
--build-arg BUILDKIT_SYNTAX="" \
-f test/railpack-plan.json \

or use BuildKit directly:

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buildctl build \
--local context=examples/node-bun \
--local dockerfile=test \
--frontend=gateway.v0 \
--opt \
--output type=docker,name=test | docker load

Note the docker load here to load the image into Docker. However, you can change the output or push to a registry instead.

Run BuildKit Locally

If building with the build command, you need to have a BuildKit instance running with the BUILDKIT_HOST environment variable set to the container.

Terminal window
# Run a BuildKit instance as a container
docker run --rm --privileged -d --name buildkit moby/buildkit
# Set the buildkit host to the container
export BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkit

Mise commands

Terminal window
# Lint and format
mise run check
# Run tests
mise run test
# Start the docs dev server
mise run docs-dev