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Railpack builds and deploys Go applications with static binary compilation.


Your project will be detected as a Go application if any of these conditions are met:

  • A go.mod file exists in the root directory
  • A main.go file exists in the root directory


The Go version is determined in the following order:

  • Read from the go.mod file
  • Set via the RAILPACK_GO_VERSION environment variable
  • Defaults to 1.23


Railpack builds your Go application as a static binary by default. The build process:

  • Installs Go dependencies
  • Builds your application with optimized flags (-ldflags="-w -s")
  • Names the output binary out

Railpack determines the main package to build in the following order:

  1. The package specified by the RAILPACK_GO_BIN environment variable
  2. The root directory if it contains Go files
  3. The first subdirectory in the cmd/ directory
  4. The main.go file in the root directory

Config Variables

RAILPACK_GO_VERSIONOverride the Go version1.22
RAILPACK_GO_BINSpecify which command in cmd/ to buildserver
CGO_ENABLEDEnable CGO for non-static binary compilation1

CGO Support

By default, Railpack builds static binaries with CGO_ENABLED=0. If you need CGO support:

  • Set the CGO_ENABLED environment variable to 1
  • Railpack will include the necessary build dependencies (gcc, g++, libc6-dev)
  • The runtime image will include libc6 for dynamic linking